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Welcome to Back of the Net Leagues

Welcome to Back of the Net Leagues the new Five and Six a side footballing experience. We offer a friendly atmosphere and competitive matches with local teams. It’s a great way to keep fit and have a fun night out with your mates.

We remove all the hassle out of playing all you need to do is turn up on the evening. Your enjoyment is everything. We aim to provide the best match night experience.

We aim to cater for all skill levels and abilities, unlimited substitutions means the young, old, superfit and the 5 minute wonders all get a chance to be involved.

Follow us on Twitter and join us on Facebook to keep up to date with all the latest news, new  leagues, fixtures and results.

We only appoint FA qualified match officials, guaranteeing your team the highest possible standards of refereeing and discipline. Now let’s see how good your team is! 

